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Retraining the anxious urge to fix

Retraining the anxious urge to fix



That is what your brain is screaming at you in those moments of symptom flares, anxiety spikes or huge dips in mood (unless you’re in switch off mode - one for another post) 


From this place, biologically, it is really hard not to rush forward. The problem is in the rush you can end up making things worse. 


Picture rushing to get out of the house in a panic and meantime you step on the dog, drop your keys, bend down and knock something over. That’s what is happening. 


So instead you need to learn the difficult practice of cooling things down to be less reactive. 

When you can get to this state, everything else becomes a little easier. Including those things that are going to make a big difference to physical symptoms, anxiety and low mood long term. 


But it is a practice. It is not a quick fix. And you have to accept that in order to benefit from the practice. 


Accepting that doesn’t have to be a resignation. It can be empowering. It can mean an opening up rather than a closing down. 


Guided audio delivered by Dr Sula Windgassen, Health Psychologist

Guided audio

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